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- Visual Reinforcement Audiometry VRA Equipment
Flex VRA (Visual Reinforcement Audiometry) equipment is one of the most sought-after tools in audiology. Access videos, toys, LED lights or your own custom content to keep the test dynamic and engaging for the duration of the hearing evaluation. AUDIOLOG, CENTER FOR HØRE OG TALE Alle kan virkelig lide det! Vi kan virkelig godt lide de opdaterede videoklip og at have volumenkontrollen. AUDIOLOG, STEPHEN F. AUSTIN UNIVERSITET Jeg er helt vild med Flex VRA!!! Komplet game changer. Jeg tænder for skærmene, inden jeg bringer barnet ind. Det skaber et bedre miljø og holder dem distraheret under otoskopi og tympanometri. Geni!! AUDIOLOG, TEXAS BØRNEHOSPITAL Jeg ELSKER dette system. Mine sygeplejersker kommenterede endda, hvor moderne og engagerende det er i forhold til vores ældre system. Jeg er en glad kunde! AUDIOLOG, CENTER FOR HØRE OG TALE Alle kan virkelig lide det! Vi kan virkelig godt lide de opdaterede videoklip og at have volumenkontrollen. You asked for it. We built it. The ability to tailor each VRA's sound and video options at your fingertips. On-Screen Touch Menu Dynamic SRT Pictured Words Board An SRT board that moves and has sound in response to touch! Watch Demo Diagrams Application Display diagrams of the ear for counseling or upload your own images! The Remote TOY VIDEO Display videos of cartoons of cartoons and live-animals while an activation button is held down. Display videos of toys while an activation button is held down. ACTIVATORS Left (Blue), Right (Red), and Center (Green) activation buttons. LIGHTS ON/OFF Turn on (top button) and off (bottom button) the 360 degree LED light bar while playing video content. LIGHTS ONLY CUSTOM Activate the 360 degree light bar only while an activation button is pressed down. Display user uploaded custom content while an activation button is pressed. Custom content comes standard with preloaded Hey Bear Sensory content. VOLUME CONTROL Volume up, down, and mute control of the VRA monitors. DISTRACT Toggle the VRA monitor on to use as a focal point to keep patients still during tympanometry, otoscopy, or otoacoustic emissions testing. Who is Hey Bear Sensory? Learn More About Hey Bear! Hey Bear Sensory designs sensory-based content for children. Hey Bear has quickly gained popularity on YouTube, and within the last 10 years has amassed over 3 million subscribers, boasts approximately 2.5 billion views, and has a constant audience of thousands watching live every day. In 2025, Flex VRA entered into an exclusive content licensing agreement with Hey Bear Sensory to provide the default custom content that will ship with every Flex VRA system. By combining Hey Bear's insanely popular content with the Flex VRA, we can provide the most engaging and positive VRA experience to audiologists and their patients. FLEX-RLC FLEX-RLC FLEX-RLC Three 13.5 inch monitors with illuminated LED bezel to test Reft, Light, and Center Includes GSI Audiostar Pro V2 Integration cable Compatible with Screen Mirror and Flex VROCA Button. Get A Quote FLEX-RL FLEX-RL FLEX-RL Two 13.5 inch monitors with illuminated LED bezel to test Reft and Light. (NO CENTER) Includes GSI Audiostar Pro V2 Integration cable Compatible with Screen Mirror and Flex VROCA Button. Get A Quote FLEX-C FLEX-C FLEX-C One 13.5 inch monitor with illuminated LED bezel to test Center. Includes GSI Audiostar Pro V2 Integration cable Compatible with Screen Mirror and Flex VROCA Button. Get A Quote Configurations
- HowTo | Flex VRA
Activate your Flex VRA from your PC while testing on a computerized audiometer.
- Flex VRA Visual Reinforcement Audiometry
Flex VRA is the most comprehensive and flexible VRA system combining multiple stimulus types, advanced customization of stimuli, and touchscreen controls Screen Mirror Turn your VRA into an in-booth display Screen Mirror wirelessly transmits any HDMI video source to Flex VRA. This allows audiologists to do the following: Review a completed audiogram in the booth to counsel the patient. Operate the audiometer in the booth with a wireless mouse/keyboard. Operate computerized tympanometry and Otoacoustic Emissions in the booth with a wireless mouse/keyboard. Screen Mirror is a $750 add-on option to any new or existing Flex VRA. For more information, contact your local Flex VRA representative here . Screen Mirror will work on any PC with an HDMI video out and any audiometric device with an HDMI out. Not sure if your device is compatible? Contact
- Flex Toy | Traditional Visual Reinforcement Audiometry
Flex Toy is a traditional visual reinforcement audiometry system that can be operated as a stand-alone or in tangent with a Flex VRA video system. Brochure Klik på noden for at hør VRA-lyde > Flex Toy er en stand-alone traditionel visuel forstærkningsaudiometri (VRA), der integreres i Flex video VRA for fuldstændig kontrol af alle stimuli fra fjernbetjeningen. Funktioner Interne højttalere giver lyd, der afspilles under aktivering. Brug vores standard musikbokslyd eller upload din egen musik til boksen! Med et tryk på en knap aktiverer du enhver boks i en "altid tændt"-tilstand, mens du udfører tympanometri eller OAE i standen. Hver boks er designet til nemt at få adgang til og bytte legetøj, når det ønskes. Vores lydløse spinningmotor kombineret med vores specialdesignede legetøj vil med garanti glæde dine pædiatriske patienter. Flex Toy fungerer problemfrit med FlexPC (styr VRA, mens du udfører computerstyret audiometri) og GSI Audiostar Pro Integration. Tilpas lyskanten under aktivering fra fjernbetjeningen. Vælg mellem røde, grønne og blå blinkende LED-lys. Lyd Distrahere tilstand Skift legetøj LED lys kant Startle Free Integrere Det perfekte par. Vælg mellem legetøj, video eller samtidig aktivering fra din fjernbetjening! Fjernbetjeningen Nogle audiologer ønsker en række muligheder at vælge imellem. Nogle ønsker enkelhed. Vi giver dig begge dele. Flex legetøj med lys/aktion Flex Toy LED-lysfarve Aktivering Distrahere Stum Kun Flex Toy Action Grundlæggende Ideel til Flex Toy Stand-alone-systemer eller til audiologer, der ikke behøver at ændre stimuli ofte Fremskreden Ideel til Flex Toy og Video kombinationssystemer og audiologer med et ønske om hurtigt at ændre stimuli under test.
- Visual Reinforcement Audiometry Equipment | Flex VRA
Flex VRA is the only visual reinforcement audiometry system to combine multiple stimulus options into one simple and engaging system. Mix, match, or simultaneously activate toy and video VRA from remote control, PC, or audiometer 21" Monitor Displaying Video Toy Stimuli 15" Monitor Displaying Cartoon Stimuli 10" Monitor Displaying Animal Stimuli Flex Toy Small Box 15" Monitor Displaying Video Cartoon Stimuli Advanced Flex Remote (Additional Basic Remote Included) Wireless VROCA Button Flex Toy Big Box Flex Toy Big Box Why Flex? Flex Visual Reinforcement Audiometry is designed with three questions in mind: Do es it give audiologists more control over the hearing evaluation? Does it improve the patient experience during a hearing test? Is it easy to use? If the answer is "yes", we make it. Every feature in Flex was requested by an audiologist and subsequently loved by others. We invite you to explore what Flex can do, read reviews from other audiologists, and see why Flex VRA is one of the most sought-after tools in audiology . The best part about the Flex VRA is that the reward changes with each presentation and it keeps the patient's interest longer. This allows for more trials and better results. Mari Lee Chartier M.A., CCC-A Seton Children's ENT It’s really helpful to switch between the different types of videos. After a little while, I can tell that some kids start to lose interest, and when I switch it from animals to toys, for instance, they perk right back up. In the past, using the toys that light up, or just video clips from the same videos, I found that kids lost interest fairly quickly. I have also really liked the “distract” function, and I use that pretty often when I’m getting tymps and OAEs on kids. It makes it a lot easier for the kids that have a hard time sitting still during testing! Leah Doty, Au.D. Guthrie Medical Center Both your VRA system and customer service are oustanding! Retired Audiology Coordinator Kaiser Permanente The Flex VRA system worked great! The toys were definitely helpful. I liked all the different combinations of options. Audiologist Mayo Clinic Distract Mode Wireless and battery-free button for Visual Reinforced Operant Controlled Audiometry A battery-powered remote controlled window cover that blocks the patients view through the window while maintaining visual for the tester inside the booth A magnetic in-booth camera that provides a clear 270 degree view of the sound booth on your PC. What's New?
- Flex PC | Complete VRA Control From the Computer
Flex PC offers audiologists complete control of both video and toy visual reinforcement audiometry (VRA) systems from their computer. Brochure Klik på ikon for lyd Flex PC tilbyder audiologer fuldstændig kontrol over både video- og legetøjsvisuel forstærkningsaudiometri (VRA)-systemer fra deres computer.
- Install | Flex VRA
See brief demonstration videos of the installation process for Flex VRA. Installationsdemonstration Flex Video VRA Flex Toy VRA
- Visual Reinforcement Audiometry VRA Equipment
Flex VRA (Visual Reinforcement Audiometry) equipment is one of the most sought-after tools in audiology. Access videos, toys, LED lights or your own custom content to keep the test dynamic and engaging for the duration of the hearing evaluation. Video. Toy. Lights. One System. The Remote TOY VIDEO Display videos of cartoons of cartoons and live-animals while an activation button is held down. Display videos of toys while an activation button is held down. ACTIVATORS Left (Blue), Right (Red), and Center (Green) activation buttons. LIGHTS ON/OFF Turn on (top button) and off (bottom button) the 360 degree LED light bar while playing video content. LIGHTS ONLY CUSTOM Activate the 360 degree light bar only while an activation button is pressed down. Display user uploaded custom content while an activation button is pressed. Custom content comes standard with preloaded Hey Bear Sensory content. VOLUME CONTROL Volume up, down, and mute control of the VRA monitors. DISTRACT Toggle the VRA monitor on to use as a focal point to keep patients still during tympanometry, otoscopy, or otoacoustic emissions testing. Featuring “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” Kaiser Permanente San Diego, CA “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” Cincinnati Children's Cincinnati, OH “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” UT Dallas Dallas, TX “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” — Mercy Children's Kansas City, KS “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” Moog Center for the Deaf St. Louis, MO “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” Providence Children's, Salt Lake City Utah “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” Harvard University Location “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” Minnesota Children's Minneapolis, MN “Testimonials work great. Showing your reviews in quotes has a powerful effect on customers and makes them trust you.” Texas Children's Houston, TX
- Download | Flex VRA
Download various apps and support tools from Flex VRA Download Download SRT Board This application was developed for the Flex VRA but can be used on any Windows PC. This provides a visually reinforced SRT board that will move and play sound when correct selections are made by the patient. Download Flex Ball Game This application provides a "drop the ball in the bucket" game for pediatric patients to play during play audiometry. The application works both with a drag and drop mouse interface or a touch screen interface. Download Flex Titan Tool Update 5/21/2024 Being updated to support all windows resolutions and screen sizes. This application was made to address a common request from Interacoustics Titan users who have a difficult time accessing the side tabs of Titan Suite when using a touch screen. The Flex Titan Tool displays easy-to touch buttons that float on top of Titan Suite and disappear when Titan is closed.
- Contact Flex VRA
How to buy a Flex Visual Reinforcement Audiometry System Hvis du har spørgsmål til dit nuværende Flex Visual Reinforcement Audiometry-system eller ønsker mere information, så tøv ikke med at kontakte os! Vi ser frem til at betjene dig! 100 E. Whitestone Blvd., St. 148, #160 Cedar Park, TX 78613 512-777-0016 Indsend Tak for din indsendelse! Find a representative near you Don't see one near you? Contact us directly! Indsend Tak for din indsendelse!
- Flex Cover | Audiology Privacy Screen
Flex Cover is a magnetic and battery powered one way screen the prevents distraction from the patient but allows the audiologist to maintain visual of the patient. Brochure Bliv hørt, Ikke set. Fjernstyret øjeblikkelig privatlivsskærm, der eliminerer uønskede distraktioner for patienten under test. Operatørsiden Patient Side Størrelse til at passe til de fleste lydkabinevinduer Brugerdefinerede størrelser tilgængelige mod ekstra gebyr 3 fod 3 fod ***Flex Cover bruger en separat fjernbetjening fra Flex Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) fjernbetjeningen
- Flex VRA Visual Reinforcement Audiometry
The Flex VRA system is the most comprehensive and flexible VRA system available combining multiple stimulus types, advanced customization of stimuli, and touchscreen controls Brochure User Manual New Software Version 2.0 On-Screen Display Make changes to each VRA with a touch of a finger. Zoned Wireless Remote Control Simplifed in design with increased functionality Response Time (from button press to activation): .25 seconds Battery: 2 AAA Batteries Battery Life: 1-1.5 years Number of Remotes that can pair to each system: 2 Number of Remotes that come with each system: 2 Dynamic SRT Pictured Words Board An SRT board that moves and has sound in response to touch! Watch Demo Diagrams Application Display diagrams of the ear for counseling or upload your own images! Watch Demo 5 years ago, Flex VRA was made to address one audiologist's simple request: "It would be really cool if someone made a VRA that would let me control what stimuli is displayed." So, we built it. Then she told her colleague about it and we built it again. And again. Now, over 500 systems later, Flex has become one of the most sought-after tools utilized by pediatric audiologists. And in the last five years, there have been more "It would be really cool if..." requests from all over the world. So, we built it. VRA Reinvented, again. AUDIOLOG, STEPHEN F. AUSTIN UNIVERSITET Jeg er helt vild med Flex VRA!!! Komplet game changer. Jeg tænder for skærmene, inden jeg bringer barnet ind. Det skaber et bedre miljø og holder dem distraheret under otoskopi og tympanometri. Geni!! AUDIOLOG, TEXAS BØRNEHOSPITAL Jeg ELSKER dette system. Mine sygeplejersker kommenterede endda, hvor moderne og engagerende det er i forhold til vores ældre system. Jeg er en glad kunde! AUDIOLOG, CENTER FOR HØRE OG TALE Alle kan virkelig lide det! Vi kan virkelig godt lide de opdaterede videoklip og at have volumenkontrollen. Video Credit to e3 Med-Acoustics for the amazing installation! Hvordan det virker GSI Audiostar Pro Integration Styr din Flex VRA-aktivering direkte fra knapperne på din Grason-Stadler (GSI) Audiostar Pro. Skærmspejl Brug din VRA-skærm til at fungere som en skærm i kabinen. Dette hjælper med rådgivning eller udførelse af audiometri i standen. Tilpasset indhold Indlæs ubesværet ethvert brugerdefineret indhold i ethvert videoformat til brug under visuel forstærkningstest Flex VROCA Udfør operant styret VRA med et tryk på vores lys op-knap! Lær mere