You asked for it. We built it.
The ability to tailor each VRA's sound and video options at your fingertips.
On-Screen Touch Menu
Zoned Wireless Remote Control
Simplifed in design with increased functionality
Response Time (from button press to activation): .25 seconds
Battery: 2 AAA Batteries
Battery Life: 1-1.5 years
Number of Remotes that can pair to each system: 2
Number of Remotes that come with each system: 2
Dynamic SRT Pictured Words Board
Diagrams Application
Display diagrams of the ear for counseling or upload your own images!
5 years ago, Flex VRA was made to address one audiologist's simple request:
"It would be really cool if someone made a VRA that would let me control what stimuli is displayed."
So, we built it. Then she told her colleague about it and we built it again. And again. Now, over 500 systems later, Flex has become one of the most sought-after tools utilized by pediatric audiologists.
And in the last five years, there have been more "It would be really cool if..." requests from all over the world. So, we built it.
VRA Reinvented, again.
Jeg er helt vild med Flex VRA!!! Komplet game changer. Jeg tænder for skærmene, inden jeg bringer barnet ind. Det skaber et bedre miljø og holder dem distraheret under otoskopi og tympanometri. Geni!!
Jeg ELSKER dette system. Mine sygeplejersker kommenterede endda, hvor moderne og engagerende det er i forhold til vores ældre system. Jeg er en glad kunde!
Alle kan virkelig lide det! Vi kan virkelig godt lide de opdaterede videoklip og at have volumenkontrollen.
Video Credit to e3 Med-Acoustics for the amazing installation!
Hvordan det virker
GSI Audiostar Pro Integration
Styr din Flex VRA-aktivering direkte fra knapperne på din Grason-Stadler (GSI) Audiostar Pro.
Brug din VRA-skærm til at fungere som en skærm i kabinen. Dette hjælper med rådgivning eller udførelse af audiometri i standen.
Tilpasset indhold
Indlæs ubesværet ethvert brugerdefineret indhold i ethvert videoformat til brug under visuel forstærkningstest
Udfør operant styret VRA med et tryk på vores lys op-knap!