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Flex VRA Logo
Flex VRA VROCA Button
Flex VRA Audiostar Pro Integration Cable
Flex VRA Remote Control
Flex VRA Remote Control

New Software Version 2.0

Flex VRA Monitor
Flex VRA On-Screen Display

On-Screen Display

Make changes to each VRA with a touch of a finger.

Zoned Wireless Remote Control

Simplifed in design with increased functionality

Response Time (from button press to activation): .25 seconds

Battery: 2 AAA Batteries

Battery Life: 1-1.5 years

Number of Remotes that can pair to each system: 2

Number of Remotes that come with each system: 2

Flex VRA Remote Control
Flex VRA Remote Control
Flex VRA Monitor
Flex VRA Monitor
The Flex VRA can display an SRT board the moves and plays sound in response to touch

Dynamic SRT Pictured Words Board

An SRT board that moves and has sound in response to touch!

Watch Demo

The Flex VRA can display diagrams on the VRA screen.

Diagrams Application

Display diagrams of the ear for counseling or upload your own images!

Watch Demo

5 years ago, Flex VRA was made to address one audiologist's simple request:

"It would be really cool if someone made a VRA that would let me control what stimuli is displayed."

So, we built it.  Then she told her colleague about it and we built it again. And again.  Now, over 500 systems later, Flex has become one of the most sought-after tools utilized by pediatric audiologists.

And in the last five years, there have been more "It would be really cool if..." requests from all over the world.  So, we built it.

VRA Reinvented, again.



我非常喜欢 Flex VRA !!!彻底改变游戏规则。 在我把孩子带进来之前,我打开了屏幕。 它创造了一个更好的环境,让他们在耳镜检查和鼓室测量期间分心。 天才!!  



我喜欢这个系统。 我的护士甚至评论说,与我们的旧系统相比,它是多么现代和吸引人。 我是一位快乐的顾客!




Video Credit to e3 Med-Acoustics for the amazing installation!


GSI Audiostar Pro 集成

直接通过 Grason-Stadler (GSI) Audiostar Pro 上的按钮控制 Flex VRA 激活。


使用您的 VRA 屏幕兼作展位内监视器。 这有助于在展位进行咨询或进行测听。




按下我们的点亮按钮即可执行操作控制的 VRA!

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